Erni Gunawan was born in Bandung, Indonesia. She is a mother of two with an irrevocable love for art and nature. Her genre of art is a mix of post-impressionism and contemporary, mostly using impasto techniques to bring dynamism and depth.

As someone prone to anxiety, especially after having gone through several traumatic life events, Erni practices sketching and painting as a form of art therapy to calm her mind during stressful situations. In addition, she also explores and engages herself in other creative endeavors such as flower arrangement, pottery, dancing, and cooking which have been sources of inspiration for some of her work.

Life is too Short to be unhappy.
If you love what you are doing,
you are successful.


She has a lifelong passion for art and seeks to capture the beauty of nature in various forms. She does so by experimenting with different mediums, such as acrylic, sand, and gel, in addition to impasto techniques that create textures to heighten the visual impact of her work. Most of her paintings encompass a range of vibrant colors so that those who view them can vicariously feel the joy, excitement, and peace that nature brings to her.

Blessed in Abundance
[Size: 138cm x 118cm]


Most recently, in 2020, the artist had the opportunity to participate in the Angelico Art competition as a finalist, where artists express their faith and gratitude to God through art as a medium. With an increasing number of commissions, she is glad that her paintings are garnering greater appreciation and are able to bring joy to others. Today, her artworks are displayed in Australia, the UK, Indonesia, and Singapore, and painting has certainly grown from a hobby into a profession.